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標題: 人機大戰戰火燃至德州撲克 李開復把比賽帶到中國_?牌 [打印本頁]

作者: apple777314    時間: 2018-3-10 14:15     標題: 人機大戰戰火燃至德州撲克 李開復把比賽帶到中國_?牌

  2017年4月6日至10日,由創新工場CEO暨創新工場人工智能工程院院長李開復(微博)發起,邀請母校美國卡內基梅隆大壆(Carnegie Mellon University)知名的Libratus撲克機器人主創團隊訪問中國,於海南進行一場“冷撲大師v.s。中國龍之隊—人工智能和頂尖牌手巔峰表演 賽”,對陣由中國撲克高手杜悅帶領的“中國龍之隊”,這也是亞洲首度舉辦的人工智能與真人對打的撲克賽事。騰訊科技4月6日至10日,全程視頻直播此次德 州撲克“人機大戰”。
  2017 年1月,由卡內基梅隆大壆Tuomas Sandholm教授和博士生Noam Brown所開發的Libratus撲克機器人在美國匹茲堡對戰四名人類頂尖職業撲克玩傢並大獲全勝,成為繼AlphaGo對戰李世石後人工智能領域的又 一?程碑級事件。李開復指出,這一波人工智能的浪潮將比我們所能想象的更加猛烈和真實,從他關注一月美國Libratus賽事就發現,在開戰前不曾演練歷 史牌譜的前提下,人工智能所展現的壆習、推理、模仿、決策等能力已趨於更加豐富和完善。可以預見,未來人工智能將在商業談判、網絡安全、醫療咨詢等很多領 域將發揮革命性的變化,人工智能將推動的種種巨大改變,十年內必然發生
  為 確保此次表演賽的精彩呈現,Libratus主創團隊的Tuomas Sandholm教授和 Noam Brown十天後將親自訪華現場督戰。中國“龍之隊”則由六位華人頂尖撲克選手組建成軍,隊長杜悅現任常春籐資本基金合伙人,此前曾在人人集團擔任集團副 總裁,擁有清華大壆計算機係本科和碩士以及美國斯坦福大壆MBA壆位。杜悅曾在2016年的世界德州撲克大賽WSOP的無限注德州撲克賽事中獲得冠軍,据 曾與其交手過的牌友稱,杜悅對游戲理解獨到,智商、體能、心理之強大非常人能及。龍之隊其他成員包含許朝軍(微博)、張淮、童舟、朱亞希、王天建,均為撲 克頂尖資深玩傢(詳見:中國龍之隊介紹)。
  此次表演賽由創新工場與海南生態軟件園聯合主辦,傳奇撲克承辦, 春光?協辦,杜悅作為賽制策略顧問。天神娛樂董事長朱曄、豐厚資本暨春光?創始合伙人楊守彬等大咖助陣;亞美娛樂,迪銳克斯科技,春曉資本,通博娛樂城,品途商業評論 讚助支持。4月6日至10日賽事於海南省澂邁縣的海南生態軟件園舉辦,期間六位牌手將進行每天上下午兩場共10小時的人機對戰,每人同時打兩手牌,對牌手 們的心志、專注力和體能都是不小的挑戰。與此同時,人工智能“冷撲大師”程序將由美國匹茲堡超級計算機中心(Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center)遠程調度運算資源,和真人牌手進行實時12手牌同步對戰,與華人高手決戰巔峰,五天表演賽全程估計將達到36000手牌
作者: yueyrt1cj9    時間: 2018-3-10 15:02     標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys 000

Police have released the two brothers who were being questioned about the beating to death last Sunday of 18-year-old robbery suspect Simeon Lawrence. It is now unclear whether anyone will be charged in connection with the teen’s demise.The brothers, who are from South Ruimveldt,NFL Jerseys Cheap, were taken into custody after police received reports that they and others had attacked the Rasville teen.Police were told that Lawrence,NFL Jerseys Clearance, called ‘Bub Bub’,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, along with two other youths,Cheap NFL Jerseys, had robbed computer technician Marvin Lyte at gunpoint of $16,000, a cell phone and a computer.According to reports,NFL Jerseys China, computer technician Marvin Lyte, of South Ruimveldt Gardens,Jerseys Cheap NFL, was walking along David Rose Street at around 22:15hrs on Sunday when three men held him up at gunpoint.The three men relieved Lyte of a laptop computer, a cell phone and personal documents before fleeing.Lyte raised an alarm and a sibling and neighbours pursued the perpetrators. Two of the suspects managed to escape but the residents pursued Lawrence to Roxanne Burnham Gardens.He was allegedly cornered in an alleyway where he was beaten to death.Police eventually arrived and took the suspect’s mud-smeared body to the Georgetown Hospital.They said that an empty .38 revolver was recovered from the slain man.Simeon Lawrence is the brother of Travis Parks, whom a security guard shot dead two years ago in Tiger Bay.
作者: yueyrt1cj9    時間: 2018-3-10 15:04     標題: Cheap Jerseys From China Canada and the Caribbean

…but anticipates Christmas season increaseThe effects of Hurricane Sandy, which pounded sections of the United States, Canada and the Caribbean,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, may be farther reaching than anticipated, since it is likely that it has served to slow the rate of importation of Less-than Full Container Loads (LCL).This opinion was expressed yesterday by Warehouse Manager at John Fernandes Limited,Warehouse Manager,Wholesale China Jerseys, Mark ArcherMark Archer.During an interview,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, Archer revealed that when the LCL (i.e. boxes and barrels), importation rate of this time last year is considered, this year is remarkably low.? “Compared to last year our workload is light, because at this time last year it was real hectic…”Dubbed as the leader in the shipping industry, John Fernandes Limited is responsible for approximately 65 to 70 per cent of cargo in and out of Guyana, according to Archer. The shipping industry, he added, is responsible for about 90 per cent of the cargo entering Guyana.But according to the Warehouse Manager “we believe that Hurricane Sandy slowed down things a bit and we don’t know if it will pick up a bit later. Perhaps people’s family might just opt to send money rather than post a box or barrel,” Archer surmised.Nevertheless, he insisted that John Fernandes will not waver in its commitment to the public as it will seek to maintain a robust system of operation which is usually put to the test during the Christmas season. This commitment, according to him,China Jerseys Cheap, will be aided by the C73 Form, which has for the past two years proved to be a mechanism to help bolster efficiency.A former mode of operation required that Customs officers examine cargo at the Water Street Wharf before it gains the attention of a Broker, who was then tasked with preparing a form detailing the content of the cargo before it is then processed. However, this operation is now a thing of the past, since according to Archer, with the C73 Form mechanism, no examination of cargo is required and the Customs Officer in Charge is now required to prepare the declaration form based on the disclosure of customers.“This is a much faster process because from Customs you go straight to the cashier and pay, and from the cashier you go to the window to have your stuff released, get it stamped, uplift and you are ready to leave.”Based on suspicions or a report, Customs could opt to examine imported items, but currently there is no examination of items. As such persons could be penalised if false declarations are made this publication was informed.“With the Christmas season fast approaching we will get a lot more personal effects coming in and the system will function just the same, if not more efficiently. At Christmas we usually increase our staff, both us and Customs, so that we can handle the larger crowd and if necessary we put in a second cashier. Last year we had a second cashier,” Archer informed. Currently the warehouse has a staff of 25 persons which can be augmented to about 30 to 35 if the need arises,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, he said.The John Fernandes WharfAs part of the efficient protocol, all imported barrels and boxes are affixed a standard Customs duty rate. Large barrels attract a cost of $4,000, medium $3,000 while the smaller sizes are $2,000. Boxes on the other hand are duty rated based on their measurement.However, the ideal mode of operation is sometimes stalled since there are instances when the workload builds, given the number of persons who utilise the John Fernandes service. Though the C73 Form is designed to foster efficiency, all documents must first be approved by the Customs Officer in Charge (OC) before processing can commence. But according to Archer, a strategic intervention is in place to address such developments, particularly during the Christmas season.“We would put a staff member who would get that document okayed rather than wait on the OC to return with it. We realise that the OC is only one person.? Once we have a staff member there it will considerably reduce the waiting time. So every time the OC takes in some documents we would bring out some and it will help to improve the system,” Archer noted.Currently the warehouse commences its daily operation at 07:00 hours and concludes at 16:00 hours. Staffers are given a one-hour lunch break which starts at 11:00 hours.? However, in anticipation of an increase in imports, the warehouse is gearing to put in action a plan which will allow for a staggered lunch period, thereby allowing for continuous attendance to customers.? This move,Wholesale Jerseys, whic

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